How To Make Your Beard Look Thicker

See how to make a beard look thicker with beard shaping advice using the L'Oréal Men Expert Barber Club range with the expertise of Rob McMillen, our expert Barber.
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Follow these beard trimming & grooming tips to find out how to get a full beard:

Wash your beard with Barber Club 3-In-1 Beard, Hair & Face Wash to purify and stimulate the hair follicle – a clean healthy beard will always grow better.

Use a beard comb to brush your beard upwards and sharpen the edges with a trimmer to give the illusion of a fuller beard.

Soften your beard with 2-3 drops of Barber Club Long Beard Oil, combing through to enhance the shape.

Massage a small amount of Barber Club Styling Cream through your beard, focusing on patchy areas.


Show us your best in class beard using #Barberclub

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No longer. Beard care is finally brought into consciousness as a front and centre topic of the male grooming world – and deservedly so – after all, beards themselves are front and centre to those who do them. With a lifetime of guesswork, how can you begin your beard grooming routine to a professional standard? To help demystify the do’s and don’ts of keeping your facial hair styles looking luxe, we’ve explored the key steps to getting, and keeping, a beard that’s strokably soft. For a softer beard, it is vital to keep it well maintained. Wash and condition the beard properly and be sure to brush regularly. Keep trimming equipment in excellent condition and tackle split ends often. For a finishing touch, use beard oil to protect and hydrate. Read on to discover what makes a beard rough, the best beard treatment on the market, and how to style your newly conditioned facial hair." } , { "@type":"ListItem", "position": 4, "url" : "", "item":{ "@type": "Article", "mainEntityOfPage":{ "@type":"WebPage" }, "headline":"How To Groom A Beard", "image":{ "@type":"ImageObject", "url":"", "height":900, "width":2000 }, "datePublished": "2024-04-22T08:48:40+00:00", "dateModified": "2024-04-22T08:49:29+00:00", "author": { "@type": "Brand", "name": "L'Oréal Paris" }, "publisher":{ "@type":"Organization", "name":"L'Oréal Paris", "logo":{ "@type":"ImageObject", "url":"", "width":189, "height":60 } }}, "description":"See how to groom your beard with L'Oreal Men Expert Barber Club and expertise from Rob Mcmilen our expert Barber." } , { "@type":"ListItem", "position": 5, "url" : "", "item":{ "@type": "Article", "mainEntityOfPage":{ "@type":"WebPage" }, "headline":"How To Make Your Beard Look Thicker", "image":{ "@type":"ImageObject", "url":"", "height":900, "width":2000 }, "datePublished": "2023-11-06T10:29:00+00:00", "dateModified": "2023-11-09T07:26:22+00:00", "author": { "@type": "Brand", "name": "L'Oréal Paris" }, "publisher":{ "@type":"Organization", "name":"L'Oréal Paris", "logo":{ "@type":"ImageObject", "url":"", "width":189, "height":60 } }}, "description":"See how to make a beard look thicker with beard shaping advice using the L'Oréal Men Expert Barber Club range with the expertise of Rob McMillen, our expert Barber." } , { "@type":"ListItem", "position": 6, "url" : "", "item":{ "@type": "Article", "mainEntityOfPage":{ "@type":"WebPage" }, "headline":"What Is Beard Oil and How To Use It", "image":{ "@type":"ImageObject", "url":"", "height":900, "width":2000 }, "datePublished": "2024-01-09T08:54:47+00:00", "dateModified": "2024-01-09T08:55:08+00:00", "author": { "@type": "Brand", "name": "L'Oréal Paris" }, "publisher":{ "@type":"Organization", "name":"L'Oréal Paris", "logo":{ "@type":"ImageObject", "url":"", "width":189, "height":60 } }}, "description":"Discover how to use beard oil by L'Oréal Men Expert Barber Club with the expertise of Rob McMillen, our expert Barber. 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